Secure Access Your Vital Medical Data Anytime, Anywhere
The AmeriEstate Legal Plan includes the DocuBank Medical Emergency Card. This card makes your medical information is easily accessible when you need it. It's like carrying all your important medical information in your wallet.
Access is key in an emergency situation. Your vital medical information is securely stored and instantly available right when it is needed – every day around the clock, anywhere in the world. When you securely store your medical information and advance directives with DocuBank, you receive a personalized DocuBank Emergency Card that makes all of your information and other critical healthcare documents easily available either by phone or computer access.
DocuBank stores all advance directives and other life-saving information:
Healthcare Power of Attorney
- Living Will
- Advanced Directives
- Doctors contact information
- Medication Lists
- Allergies
- Medical Conditions
- HIPAA Authorization
- Organ Donor Form
- Advanced Statement of Values
DocuBank helps to ensure that your medical wishes are known and respected when it counts. Around the clock, around the world.
Immediate Access
When you store your healthcare documents with DocuBank, you receive a customized DocuBank Emergency Card that makes all of your critical healthcare documents available in two convenient ways:
- Call: By placing a toll free call to 1-800-DOCUBANK hospitals can have directives immediately faxed to them.
- Click: Simply by clicking the Hospital Button on the DocuBank home page, hospital staff can view and print documents immediately.
Medical Alerts
The DocuBank card lists important medical conditions and allergy information so that it is immediately available at the hospital. The name and contact information of one emergency contact also appears on the face of the card. A cover page that accompanies the directives any time they are requested also lists two additional contacts and the name and number of a primary care physician.
Security and Peace of Mind
Private Password Protection means members have an added level of protection for online DocuBank information. While hospitals can print your directives using your member number and PIN, they cannot make changes to your personal contact information.
Family Notification Service
DocuBank now offers a Family Notification Service. Members can send a personalized email to friends and family members letting them know that they have joined the DocuBank service and that their health care wishes are available 24/7/365 in an emergency.
Communicating Healthcare Wishes
DocuBank can help members communicate their wishes verbally too. We know that conversations about death and dying are difficult. That's why we offer some suggestions and guidelines on how to broach this subject with loved ones. Available in our Member Services section, we provide important conversation topics along with helpful links.
Wallet Stickers
The DocuBank Emergency card arrives within 4-6 weeks of enrollment and comes with alert stickers to be placed on the members' driver's license. These alert stickers tell hospital and emergency staff that they can obtain your healthcare directives using your DocuBank wallet card.
Additional Cards
Members can print additional cards for friends and family members at any time. Additional paper copies of the card also arrive along with the plastic emergency card.
Enrollment Form
Download the following form and fill it out for each person applying for a card and then return to AmeriEstate for immediate processing.