Estate Planning Is a Process and Not a Destination

Mar 28, 2011
Estate Planning

At AmeriEstate Legal Plan, we like to emphasize to our members seeking estate planning,  is that estate planning is exactly that: “planning.”  The plan changes over time.  One thing our provider attorneys try to emphasize with our member clients is that the plan today may be different from the plan tomorrow and that ANY time ANYONE mentioned in ANY  of the documents undergoes some change (inheritance, death, disability, divorce, new birth, etc.), you NEED to go back to look at your plan, because maybe it should change.  That is a particularly good point to emphasize,  because, once clients receive their Living Trust or other estate planning documents, it can be easy to set it aside and not think about it again.  In fact, it is important to know that being a member of the AmeriEstate Legal Plan makes it particularly easy (and inexpensive if not FREE) to re-visit their plan in the event that something changes.