Retirement Plans are Changing in 2025: What to Know | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
December 02,

Retirement Plans are Changing in 2025: What to Know

Retirement planning is evolving, and staying informed about these changes is critical for securing your financial future. Starting in 2025, the IRS will increase the maximum contribution limits for 401(k) and similar retirement plans. Individuals will be able to contribute up to $23,500 annually, up from $23,000 in 2024. Workers aged 60 to 63 can make additional "super" catch-up contributions of $11,250, allowing a total annual contribution of $34,750.

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Why Estate Planning Is an Important Component of Financial Planning | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
April 18,

Why Estate Planning Is an Important Component of Financial Planning

When clients come to you seeking financial advice or wishing to establish a financial plan, their goal is likely growing their wealth. They might not understand that solid financial planning includes asset protection measures. Protecting their wealth ensures they maintain as high a level of security as possible now and in the future.

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Financial Year-End Checklist | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
December 02,

Financial Year-End Checklist

Before you say good-bye to 2021, you would do well to make sure your finances are in order. Whether you do this for tax planning or estate planning purposes, or simply for the peace of mind it gives you, here is a year-end checklist with steps from AmeriEstate Legal Plan you may wish to take.

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Save For Retirement Week | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
October 19,

Save For Retirement Week

There’s no doubt that you’ll retire someday. When you do, you obviously will need sufficient income on which to live. But where will this money come from? The answer to that would be Save For Retirement Week, which is also known as National Retirement Security Week.

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Financial Milestones and How to Plan | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
March 02,

Financial Milestones and How to Plan

Many Americans are under the notion that estate planning is only for those who are in their golden years, but nothing could be further from the truth. Actively incorporating estate planning as part of every lifetime milestone can help ensure that your financial well-being grows with you. Of course, there are some aspects of estate planning that are best tackled in your golden years after you have maximized your assets, but life's earlier milestones deserve an equal amount of financial attention and planning.

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Menaced Out of Her Home- the Marcie Shield Saga | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
November 24,

Menaced Out of Her Home: the Marcie Shield Saga

Sometimes, we can be too clever for our own financial well-being. Most people want to avoid taxation as much as possible while maximizing their availability of their assets: this is human nature. However, this thinking can (and has!) put thousands of Americans in legal hot water or less-than-desirable situations.

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How to Choose a Business Structure | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
September 01,

How to Choose a Business Structure

One of the most important (and earliest) decisions you will make regarding your business is the structure. This is a big decision since it will have a huge impact on the amount of personal liability you take on, the amount of paperwork you are legally required to do and the amount you pay in taxes.

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What are the benefits of a Charitable Remainder Trust? | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
June 26,

What are the benefits of a Charitable Remainder Trust?

When estate planning many people wish to use their assets to help fund their favorite charities, in addition to providing for their families and loved ones. Donating can make a lasting impact on charities and you and your family can also reap tax benefits. The most popular variety of charitable trust is a charitable remainder trust.

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