Storing Your Estate Planning Documents in a Safe Place | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
December 03,

Storing Your Estate Planning Documents in a Safe Place

Getting organized as the year draws to a close in December sets the tone for a fresh start in 2024. A pivotal part of this preparation should be storing your estate planning documents. Ensuring these critical papers are secure yet accessible becomes an integral aspect of laying the groundwork for a well-prepared future.

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Putting a House in a Trust - An Introductory Guide | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
November 20,

Putting a House in a Trust: An Introductory Guide

If you’re like many, your most valuable asset is your home and it’s one you hope to pass on to your heirs after you die. An important component of estate planning is ensuring a transfer of assets to your loved ones with as little financial and emotional repercussions as possible. Putting a house in trust can accomplish that.

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Caring for Loved Ones with Mental Health Challenges - The Dual Role of Conservatorships and Living Trusts | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
November 17,

Caring for Loved Ones with Mental Health Challenges: The Dual Role of Conservatorships and Living Trusts

Caring for a family member with mental health issues can be a deeply emotional and challenging task.  It involves providing emotional support but also making important decisions about their well-being and financial matters. In these situations, establishing a conservatorship and creating a living trust can play a pivotal role in ensuring the best interests of your loved one.

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Can a Beneficiary Refuse a Trust Distribution? | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
November 06,

Can a Beneficiary Refuse a Trust Distribution?

A great deal of thought goes into designating who inherits your assets. Furthermore, establishing a trust to protect your beneficiaries’ best interests is often a complex endeavor. At AmeriEstate, we want to ensure you have the information and tools you need to safeguard your assets for the future.

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10 Steps to Settling an Estate | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
October 24,

10 Steps to Settling an Estate

If you are the executor of an estate, you have an important role to play after the estate owner passes. Whether for a family member or friend, the process can be overwhelming at a time when you are likely experiencing significant emotional stressors. However, taking the right steps to settle the estate is a legal and functional necessity.

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October 10,

What You Need To Know About Setting Up a Will

A will is an essential element of an estate plan. It specifies your wishes for distributing assets to your heirs, establishes guardianship preferences for dependent children, and stipulates your desires for post-death arrangements. A will protects your assets, allowing you to determine what happens to them after you die, and alleviates guardianship decisions for dependents if both parents die.

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