Ensuring Your Business Assets Are Protected | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
August 10,

Ensuring Your Business Assets Are Protected

Business assets refer to anything of value that a business owns. Business assets can be both tangible and intangible. Tangible assets have a monetary value while intangible assets are non-physical and can increase the revenue of a company. Examples of tangible assets include real estate, office furniture, inventory, company-owned vehicles and production equipment. Non-tangible assets can include employee expertise, company slogans and trademarks.

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Webinar Replay - Hidden Dangers of Probate
August 01,

Webinar Video – Hidden Dangers of Probate

Discover how easy it is to protect your home, assets, and life savings from probate by planning your estate!Probate is easily avoidable. Find out how easy it can be to protect your assets from probate in this 30-minute webinar, The Hidden Dangers of Probate.

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Medicaid Planning 101 | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
July 22,

Medicaid Planning 101

Indisputable fact of life #1: Most of us will require some form of long-term care during the final portion of our lives.

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Why Unmarried Couples Need a Living Trust | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
July 12,

Why Unmarried Couples Need a Living Trust

According to US News, the number of U.S. households headed by a married couple has steadily declined since 1949. Today, the states with the highest number of unmarried households consist of the following:

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How to Add a Post-Mortem Letter to Your Estate Plan | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
July 05,

How to Add a Post-Mortem Letter to Your Estate Plan

A post-mortem letter is not a required part of an estate plan and does not have the same legal leverage as other estate planning documents. Nevertheless, it can perform an important  role. The post-mortem letter contains information necessary to fulfill your wishes after your death. It can help make executing your estate plan easier and more efficient than it would be otherwise.

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Understanding the Probate Process | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
June 22,

Understanding the Probate Process

You probably have heard about probate, but do you know what it actually is or how it works? Probate is a legal process in which your county's probate court determines the assets you own at the time of your death. It essentially determines the validity of a will. If a will is found to be authentic, the assets listed in the will are distributed as specified in the document.

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Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself Estate Plans | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
June 15,

Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself Estate Plans

If you’re a confirmed do-it-yourselfer, you’ve probably completed many DIY projects for your home and yard. After all, why hire a professional to paint your living room when you can do an adequate job yourself? While home improvement projects are ripe with DIY opportunities, not all areas of your life are equally amenable to the DIY approach.

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An Essential Estate Planning Gift for Your Graduate - I.C.E. Card | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
June 08,

An Essential Estate Planning Gift for Your Graduate: I.C.E. Card

If your child is graduating from high school this spring, you and your family are about to undergo a major change. The person you have raised for the past 18 years is no longer a child. The law says that they are now legally an adult and can make decisions on their own, without your consent or interference.

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June 01,

What Are the Main Purposes of Trusts?

A trust is a legal document created for the benefit of your designated beneficiaries. Two types of trusts, revocable and irrevocable, serve different purposes including avoiding probate, reducing taxes, keeping information private, but probably the greatest benefit of a trust, is that it gives you peace of mind knowing that you have provided for your family members and others exactly the way you want to.

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