
Is your Family protected? It's not too late for a Living Trust.

Most people don’t have a Living Trust because they don’t know how to get started, think it takes too much time and money. Everyone needs a financial Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive.


Everyone needs an estate plan. You will never regret creating an estate plan. Emergency and rush estate planning are available.


With AmeriEstate you can:

  • Receive a FREE Consultation
  • Secure long and short term guardians for your children
  • Project your family and assets (including divorce, second marriages, & lawsuits)
  • Avoid probate
  • Protect your heir’s inheritance
  • Keep your assets out of court and in your family

+ Get 2 Valuable Important Documents on us!

Free Downloads

  • FREE Family Asset Spreadsheet
  • FREE Fillable Virtual Asset Instructions for online & digital accounts

Complete the form for a Free Consultation + Get the Family Asset Spreadsheet and Fillable Virtual Asset Instructions for digital accounts


The Family Asset Inventory Spreadsheet will help you keep track of all real assets in a single place.

The Virtual Asset Instructions for online and digital accounts is a list all of your online accounts and assets, with access points and  designated representative instructions.

AmeriEstate Legal Plan: Helping you when you need it most.


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