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A loved one just graduated from high school and now is a young adult.

Once a child turns 18, they are no longer a minor and parents cannot obtain or make medical decisions on their behalf without legal written authorization from their child.

How does this impact my college student or young adult? Watch our video above to find out!

FREE In Case of Emergency Document Checklist for Students and Young Adults

As a parent, you need to think about preparing an I.C.E. card along with the proper legal documents for your young adult children so you can step-in and handle their affairs if something should render them unable to for themselves.

That’s why we at AmeriEstate recommend that everyone over the age of 18 get these documents:

FREE In Case of Emergency Document Checklist for College Students and Young Adults | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
  1. Power Of Attorney Financial
  2. Power Of Attorney Health
  3. Advanced Health Care Directive
  4. In Case of Emergency I.C.E. Card for Young Adults - This card immediately shows vital personal medical information about your child. It also provides them with access to their Advanced Health Care Directive and HIPAA Release.

Complete the form to receive your FREE I.C.E. Document Checklist

Protecting your college student - ICE Card for Children | AmeriEstate Legal Plan
Protecting your college student - ICE Card for Children | AmeriEstate Legal Plan

Before your child leaves for college or a new job, call to schedule a free consultation. 800-235-0963.

AmeriEstate Legal Plan: Helping you when you need it most.


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