Legal Strategies and Planning for Long-Term Care and Asset Protection

Dec 20, 2016
Estate Planning Living Trusts Trust Management & Settlement
Elder Law Services, Long-Term Care
The Risks of Failing to Plan

Planning for Long-Term Care and Asset Protection

The Risks of Failing to Plan

You can't avoid it forever. The truth is, most of us are going to face unthinkable hardships as we age. Perhaps the most feared adversity seniors face is dementia. A disorder that degrades brain function one piece at a time and robs you of the life you know. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's.

In the U.S., approximately 1 in 8 seniors will suffer from some form of dementia. While the cure is yet to be discovered, it's important to plan ahead so you can preserve quality of life if you or someone you love becomes incapacitated from memory loss, disease, injury or physical decline.

Without proper legal planning, the following may lie ahead:

  • Losing control of healthcare and guardianship decisions to the courts
  • Being unnecessarily forced to choose between healthcare or financial preservation
  • Spending more on long-term care than necessary
  • Feeling the stress and strain of family conflict
  • Falling prey to scam artists who target seniors and the disabled
  • Suffering financial hardship and abuse
  • Incurring the time, cost and headache of conservatorship

Protection When You Need it Most

Protection When You Need It Most

Putting legal measures in place to safeguard your finances and retain control over decisions that will shape care and quality of life is easier and more affordable than you may think. AmeriEstate's Elder Law experts offer the protection you deserve whether you face immediate needs or are prudently planning for the future.

Solutions awaiting you include:

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Top Five Mistakes to Avoid
  1. Waiting too long to start planning.
  2. Believing dementia won't happen to you or someone you love.
  3. Counting solely on assistance programs.
  4. Gifting money to your children (doing so may disqualify you from benefits).
  5. Not working with expert Estate Planning/Elder Law Services advisors.