Navigating Elder Care Services

Dec 11, 2020
Elder Care Law

A big part of ensuring that growing older comes with grace is forethought and planning. The elderly have a unique set of challenges as they navigate the golden years. This is because matters involving healthcare and asset protection can be so complex. In the event that you or a loved one are dealing with the ravages of dementia, the need becomes more urgent.

Navigating the maze of elder care law services can seem overwhelming. However, at AmeriEstate, we have the expertise you need to ensure that you and your loved ones age with dignity. We can get them the degree of care and protection they deserve.

What are some common risks for seniors?

Nobody likes to think about their loved ones coming to harm, but elder abuse is rampant across the country and it comes in many forms. Senior citizens are especially vulnerable to a variety of abuse such as: physical, sexual, and emotional. This is often due to an elderly person's comparative lack of mobility and cognitive function compared to when they were young.

In addition to these, seniors are also at risk of neglect and financial abuse. Neglect often happens at a nursing home or assisted living center that has too few staff. While this form of abuse lacks malicious intent, it can have devastating long-term consequences. Financial abuse involves a person integrating themselves with a senior citizen’s assets and taking control of them in some manner. Perpetrators of financial abuse are most commonly relatives of the senior in question, though non-family members can be guilty as well.

What can we do to ensure our elderly loved ones are safe? 

Proper planning can save a lot of heartache and headache. For instance, if your loved one is experiencing signs of dementia or suffering from any other long-term degenerative disease, starting Medi-Cal planning as soon as possible is a must. Declining physical and mental health often comes with hefty medical bills. Often, as the bills mount up the unprepared find their options shrinking rapidly. A skilled elder law attorney can help balance your loved one's financial assets against Medicaid limits. This ensures that your elderly loved one ends up in a properly-staffed care center. In turn, this lowers the potential for abuse and neglect.

Even without serious ailments, it is not uncommon for seniors to require assistance with everyday tasks like cooking, bathing, toileting and eating. Accounting for this is critical. In some situations, family may be able to step in and assist. In others, outside help is a must. Long-term care can be nearly as expensive as memory care or nursing, so, again, proper financial planning is vital.

If your loved one served in the armed forces at any point (or married a person who was), they may be eligible for benefits through the Veteran's Affairs office. There is a stringent list of requirements that your loved one must fill in order to access these benefits. Often, the government disqualifies perfectly-qualified candidates over small administrative errors. Having experts on your side can make the difference between your loved one receiving needed (and earned!) financial assistance or not.

Contact us today at AmeriEstate to learn more about our elder care law services.