As a financial professional, you are very aware of the value that deep client relationships provide. You want to be able to serve the needs of your client in as many ways as possible, so that they continue to work with you for years. However, depending on your expertise, you may find it challenging to provide comprehensive assistance in a key area: estate planning.
It is not uncommon for financial professionals to provide clients with referrals when estate planning comes up. However, this often represents a major missed opportunity for you: your clients may start referring others to the outside service provider rather than you directly, and you risk losing accounts when clients die and their beneficiaries move assets to another advisor.
Partnering with AmeriEstate is the solution to these problems. When you partner with us, you will be able to service your clients’ estate planning needs in-house, which provides you with several benefits.
What Are the Benefits?
Servicing estate planning matters in-house will often mean that the family of your client will come to you, should your client die or become incapacitated. You may even find yourself getting direct referrals for estate planning: these referrals would have passed you by, prior to working with us.
Working with AmeriEstate for in-house estate planning will also positively affect your business. In general, we find that the financial professionals have a conversion rate of 1 out of every 3 to 4 client referrals for estate planning services after partnering with us. Ultimately, you may find yourself working with 3 to 5 potential new clients a month, when you choose to work with AmeriEstate.
Additionally, we can help you provide your clients with a sense of security. They will be able to work with you on their estate plans, rather than having to build a new relationship with a stranger. It increases your revenue, but also increases your value as a trusted wealth-building partner with your clients.
What Does AmeriEstate Provide?
In addition to increasing the revenue of your firm, attracting new clients, retaining old ones, and putting you in a favorable position regarding generational wealth transfer, AmeriEstate provides a number of other benefits. You will have access to proven marketing tools and strategies from us at no cost to you, as well as automatic reports on client progress. We make the job of handling estate planning in-house simple and streamlined.
With AmeriEstate, you no longer need to spend unpaid time talking with clients about estate planning matters. You will not need to follow up to ensure that your outside recommendations are effective, and you will not need to continually refer clients to estate planning attorneys. You can turn what was once a time sink into productive and profitable relationship-building.
Ask yourself: how many of your current business partners work hard to help you build your business, while attracting new clients and retaining old ones for life? AmeriEstate has been working with financial professionals for over 20 years, helping these professionals address the varied estate planning needs of their clients. Contact AmeriEstate today to learn more about what we can do to build your business.