How Becoming an AmeriEstate Partner Can Solve Your Clients’ Lack of an Estate Plan

Dec 21, 2021
AmeriEstate Partner Program Wills / Power of Attorney

According to a recent survey, 68% of Americans don’t have a will. And if they don’t have a will, they almost certainly don’t have any type of estate plan. Why is this?

When asked why they’ve failed to start an estate plan, most people give one of the following reasons:

  • I don’t want to think about my death.
  • I’m too young to need an estate plan.
  • I don’t have enough assets to make an estate plan necessary.
  • I’m not married and don’t have kids, so I don’t need an estate plan.
  • Estate planning is too complicated.
  • Estate planning takes too long.
  • Estate planning is too expensive.

Whether you’re a tax CPA, a Realtor, an investment advisor, a wealth management professional or any other type of financial planner or advisor, you’ve undoubtedly heard all of the above — and more — from your clients. Yet you know the problems the lack of an estate plan can cause, especially for your high-asset clients. You’re worried about them, but you don’t offer estate planning as part of the services you provide them. What can you do?

Become an AmeriEstate Partner

By becoming an AmeriEstate Partner, not only can you ease your concerns over your clients’ lack of estate plans, but you also help them protect their families and preserve their assets. How? Consider us your estate planning back office, because that’s exactly what we’ll be.

And what a back office resource! Both you and your clients can trust us to know what we’re doing because, to date, we’ve provided rock solid estate planning to over 45,000 families.

What We Can Do For Your Clients

We can make estate planning understandable, comfortable, and affordable for your clients. From a simple will to the most complex combination of trusts, powers of attorney, advance care directives and other legal documents, we can solve all of your clients’ estate planning problems and help them achieve their financial goals and objectives.

What We Can Do For You

As our partner, we don’t just help your clients. We also help you with the following:

  • Ongoing estate planning education
  • Marketing materials that you can customize with your own name, logo, etc.
  • Extensive website for you to peruse at your leisure in order to gain estate planning insights
  • Instructional videos and webinars that explain all aspects of estate planning

Growing Your Business

All of this can help you grow your business. As you build stronger relationships with your existing clients by providing them with estate planning services through us in addition to the services you already provide them, they, in turn, will recommend you to others. New clients coming to you by way of referrals by your existing clients are already primed to trust you and listen to the advice you give them. Your market share can’t help but grow.

All in all, becoming an AmeriEstate Partner has a multiplicity of advantages and no disadvantages whatsoever. To learn of more ways in which we can help both you and your clients, contact AmeriEstate Legal Plan today and ask to speak with John Knickerbocker, our Senior Manager of Business Development. He’ll be happy to answer all your questions.